11. Categories of exonyms
Pronunciation-exonyms vs orthographic exonyms:
Pronunciation-exonyms (pronounced differently): Paris (Eng) vs Paris (Fr)
Orthographic exonyms (pronounced the same): Moescroen (Dutch) vs Mouscroun (Fr)
Exonym categories based on their development:
Exonyms resulting from transcription (Constanţa > Konstantsa)
Exonyms resulting from simple adaptation (København > Kopenhagen)
Exonyms due to separate development from common origin
(Colonia > Cologne, Köln, Keulen)
Exonyms resulting from different origins (Hellas/Greece/Junani)
Exonyms due to translation (Ecuador > l’Equateur; Kaapstad > Cape Town)
Exonym categories based on object categories:
Names for independent countries
Names of other administrative units
Names for historical and geographical regions
Names of hydrographic features
Names of other physical features
Names of settlements
Time aspects of exonyms:
Historical exonyms are not the same as Historical names!