10th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas
The United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas (UNRCC-A) provides a regional forum where government officials, planners, scientists and experts from the Americas and other regions meet to address their common needs, problems and experiences in the field of surveying and mapping, cartography, hydrography, remote sensing, land and geospatial information systems.
The 10th Conference was held from August 19 to 23, 2013 at the UN headquarters in New York under the theme UN-GGIM and the Americas, addressing global challenges through geospatial information. Specific conference objectives are:
- to receive reports on the work being done to advance geospatial information management and assess the status of the resolutions adopted at the Ninth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas.
- for conference delegates to share experiences, knowledge and best practices on geospatial information management (GIM) at all levels;
- for representatives from Member States to gain greater understanding of the relevance and work of the United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) Committee of Experts, GIM issues being addressed in addition to the strategic direction and related program of work;
- to elect and welcome the new members of the governing body for the Americas and
- for Member States and supporting stakeholders to identify existing and new opportunities for increased regional and global collaborations aimed at advancing GIM for sustained economic development of the Americas.
The conference began on Monday 19th August, 2013 with an opening session followed by administrative formalities. This was followed by the delivery of reports on the Resolutions of the 9th UNRCC-A and Permanent Committee for Geospatial Data Infrastructure of the Americas (PC-IDEA). The technical conference began in the afternoon with an important session on UN-GGIM and the Americas. The topics covered during the Conference were:
Topic 1 UN-GGIM and the Americas
Topic 2 Strategy, policy, economic and institutional issues
Topic 3 and 4 Spatially Enabling Government
Topic 5 and 6 Geospatial data collection, management and dissemination
Topic 7 Best practices and applications
Topic 8 and 9 Climate change and disaster risk reduction
Topic 100 Technical Committees of the Conferennce (Parallel Sessions)
Over 65 government officials, planners, scientists and experts in the field of surveying and mapping, cartography, hydrography, remote sensing, land and geospatial information systems from the Americas and other regions participated in the conference.
The Conference was PaperSmart. Accordingly, instead of distributing hardcopies of documents in the conference room, all documentation were available for downloading electronically through the PaperSmart Portal. http://papersmart.unmeetings.org/en/ecosoc/unrcc/unrcca10/.

- Report of the Conference
- Provisional Agenda
- Rules of Procedure
- Documentation for the Conference
- List of Participants
- E/CONF.103/INF/3, Submitted by Secretariat
- English
- Draft Organization of Work
- E/CONF.103/CRP.1, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Country Report Guidelines
- Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Country Report coverpage
- New York Resource Guide
- Opening Statement

- Item 4
- Report on the implementation of resolutions adopted at the 9th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas
- E/Conf.103/11, Submitted by PC-IDEA
- Paper in English | Presentation in English
- Item 5 Report of the Permanent Committee for Geospatial Data Infrastructure of the Americas (PC-IDEA)
- (a) General Report of the 2009 - 2013 term
- E/Conf.103/12, Submitted by PC-IDEA
- Paper in English | Presentation in English
- - Diagnosis NMO
- E/Conf.103/12/Add.1, Submitted by PC-IDEA
- Paper in Portuguese
- (b) Diagnoses from 2011 and 2013 questionnaires
- E/Conf.103/13, Submitted by PC-IDEA
- Paper in Spanish | Presentation in Spanish
- (c) Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Manual for the Americas
- E/Conf.103/14, Submitted by PC-IDEA
- Paper in English | Paper in French | Presentation in English
- (d) Implementation Overview of the Standards Framework
- - Implementation Overview of the Standards Framework of the Americas
- E/Conf.103/15, Submitted by PC-IDEA
- Paper in English | Paper in Spanish | Presentation in Spanish
- - Proposal of CORE Standards of the Americas
- E/Conf.103/15/Add.1, Submitted by PC-IDEA
- Paper in English | Paper in Spanish
- - Geospatial Data Model for the Americas
- E/Conf.103/15/Add.2, Submitted by PC-IDEA
- Paper in Spanish
- (e) The new website and capacity building portal
- E/Conf.103/16, Submitted by PC-IDEA
- Presentation in Spanish | coverpage
- Item 6 Conference Papers
- 6a UN-GGIM and the Americas
- Paper 1: UN-GGIM Objectives, Activities and Future Directions
- E/Conf.103/31, Submitted by UNSD - Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation in English | coverpage
- Paper 2: From PCGIAP to UN-GGIM-AP: A Regional Perspective on Global Geospatial Information Management
- E/Conf.103/32, Submitted by UN-GGIM-AP - Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation in English | coverpage
- Paper 3: Preparations Towards Establishing UN-GGIM Europe
- E/Conf.103/33, Submitted by UN-GGIM: Europe - Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation in English | coverpage
- Paper 4: Geospatial Support for the United Nations Secretariat: Geospatial Activities by the UN Cartographic Section
- E/CONF.103/18, Submitted by the United Nations Cartographic Section - Agenda item 6(a)
- Paper in English | Presentation in English
- 6b Strategy, Policy, Economic and Institutional Issues
- Paper 1: Strategic Activities to Support Sustainability of Canada’s SDI
E/CONF.103/29, Submitted by Canada, - Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation in English | coverpage
- Paper 2: Addressing a New Institutional and Legal Framework for the Chilean SDI
- E/CONF.103/23, Submitted by Chile - Agenda item 6(a)
- Paper in Spanish | Presentation in Spanish
- Paper 3: Institutional Arrangements in GeoInformation Management: Influence of Policy and Legal Issues
- E/CONF.103/24, Submitted by Centre for Spatial Law and Policy- Agenda item 6(a)
- Paper in English | Presentation in English
- Paper 4: Plan de Acción Conjunto IPGH, SIRGAS, PC-IDEA, GeoSUR, 2013-2015, para acelerar el desarrollo de la IDE en las Américas
- E/CONF.103/34, Submitted by Pan-American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH) - Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation in English | coverpage
- 6c Spatially Enabling Government
- Paper 1: The Argentina Experience at Sharing Information
- E/CONF.103/17, Submitted by Argentina - Agenda item 6(a)
- Paper in English | Paper in Spanish | Presentation in Spanish
- Paper 2: La Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales como un rol importante en un gobierno con capacidades espaciales
- E/CONF.103/26, Submitted by Bolivia - Agenda item 6(a)
- Paper in Spanish | Presentation in Spanish
- Paper 3: GSDI: Towards a Spatially Enabled Society
- E/CONF.103/36, Submitted by GSDI Association - Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation in English | coverpage
- Paper 4: FIG and Spatially Enabled Societies
- E/CONF.103/35, Submitted by Fédération Internationale des Géomètres - Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation in English | coverpage
- Paper 5: Mapping Brazil in 1:250,000
- E/CONF.103/27, Submitted by Brazil - Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation in English | Coverpage
- Paper 6: Overview of Guyana’s Monitoring Reporting and Verification System – Year 2 Analysis
- E/Conf.103/38, Submitted by Guyana - Agenda item 6(a)
- Paper 7: Collaboration, Automation & Foundation Data: three steps towards spatially enabled government
- E/CONF.103/25, Submitted by Australia - Agenda item 6(a)
- Paper in English | Presentation in English
- Paper 8: Spatially Enabling Government: The US Geospatial Platform
- E/CONF.103/28, Submitted by United States of America- Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation in English | coverpage
- 6d Geospatial Data Collection, Management and Dissemination
- Paper 1: Captura, Gestión y Difusión de Datos Geoespaciales: El caso de Costa Rica
- E/CONF.103/30, Submitted by Costa Rica - Agenda item 6(a)
- Paper in Spanish | Presentation in Spanish
- Paper 2: Land Management and Planning in Colombia under the Peace Process: The IGAC´s approach
- E/Conf.103/39, Submitted by Colombia - Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation in Spanish| coverpage
- Paper 3: Infraestructura Panameña de Datos Espaciales, 2013
- Paper 4: Navigating a Maritime Information System: obligations of State Parties to UNCLOS and technical issues.
- E/Conf.103/40, Submitted by Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea - Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation | coverpage
- Paper 5: Digital Map of Mexico
- E/Conf.103/41, Submitted by Mexico - Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation in Spanish | coverpage
- Paper 6: Geocentric Reference System for the Americas: SIRGAS
- E/Conf.103/42, Submitted by Geocentric Reference System for the Americas: SIRGAS - Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation in Spanish | coverpage
- Paper 7: The Status of Mapping in the World
- Paper 8: GeoSUR, Red Espacial para Latinoamérica y el Caribe
- E/CONF.103/37, Submitted by GeoSUR - Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation in English| coverpage
- 6e Best Practices and Applications
- Paper 1: Spanish National Plan For Land Observation (Pnot) New Collaborative Production System in Europe
- Paper 2: Datos onerosos vs. Datos libres; impacto en una Agencia Cartográfica
- E/Conf.103/43, Submitted by Uruguay - Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation in English | coverpage
- Paper 3: Metodología Utilizada Para La Generación De Cartografía Básica Del Ecuador Territorial Escala 1:500
- E/CONF.103/21, Submitted by Ecuador - Agenda item 6(a)
- Paper in Spanish | Presentation in Spanish
- Paper 4: The Role of Modern Cartography for mission critical applications
- 6f Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
- Paper 1: Experiencias Del Empleo De Información Geoespacial En La Prevención Y Redución Del Riesgo De Desastres En El Perú
- E/CONF.103/20- Submitted by Perú - Agenda item 6(a)
- Paper in Spanish | Presentation in Spanish
- Paper 2: Emerging issues to use, Geospatial initiatives in the societal context of disaster management
- Paper 3: The Role of Information Communication Technology in advancing Risk Resilience in Small Island Developing States.
- E/CONF.103/22, Submitted by Carribean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) - Agenda item 6(a)
- Summary in English | Presentation in English
- Paper 4: Statistics of Natural Resources and the Environment
- Paper 5:
UN-SPIDER: A Model Approach to Reduce Vulnerabilities to Hazards Through Good Practices in Geospatial Information Management
- E/Conf.103/44, Submitted by UN-Spider - Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation in English | coverpage
- Paper 6: Geospatial Standards and Interoperability : a necessary foundation for better understanding of climate change and disaster risk reductions
- E/CONF.103/19, Submitted by Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) - Agenda item 6(a)
- Paper in English | Presentation in English
- Paper 7: Disaster Risk Reductions
- E/Conf.103/45, Submitted by World Bank - Agenda item 6(a)
- Presentation in English | coverpage

- Country Report of Jamaica
- Country Report of Egypt
- Country Report of Suriname
- E/CONF.103/IP.1, Submitted by Suriname - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- Mexico Country Report
- E/CONF.103/IP.2, Submitted by Mexico - Agenda item 6(b)
- Spanish
- Country Report of Canada
- Country Report of Chile
- E/CONF.103/IP.4, Submitted by Chile - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- Country Report of Uruguay
- E/CONF.103/IP.5, Submitted by Uruguay - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- Country Report of Colombia
- E/CONF.103/IP.6, Submitted by Colombia - Agenda item 6(b)
- Spanish
- Informe Nacional de Panamá
- E/CONF.103/IP.7, Submitted by Panama - Agenda item 6(b)
- Spanish
- Country Report of United States of America