"Advancing geographical names standardization through inclusive, culturally-informed and evidence-based solutions to support sustainable development"

In accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution E/RES/2018/2 of 10 November 2017 and decision 2023/338 of 25 July 2023, the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names will convene its 2025 session from 28 April to the 2 May 2025 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, in conference room three. There will be 10 meetings of the 2025 session and each meeting will be three hours: 10:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 - 6:00 p.m..


UNGEGN sessions provide a forum where experts from the interrelated fields of geography, cartography, geospatial information, linguistics and history, from across the world come together to learn and share best practices and norms, new developments in geographical names administration and standardization. The session also highlights the Group's role as an enabler in preserving cultural heritage and where appropriate support relevant aspects of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This session will address the theme "Advancing geographical names standardization through inclusive, culturally-informed and evidence-based solutions to support sustainable development". This theme conforms with General Assembly resolution 70/1, which called for ECOSOC inter-governmental bodies and forums to reflect the integrated nature of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) as well as the interlinkages between them. The2025 theme was therefore created based on ECOSOC's SDG theme for 2025, 'Advancing sustainable, inclusive, science- and evidence-based solutions for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals for leaving no one behind' which focuses on the review of SDG goals 3, 5, 8, 14 and 17. Therefore, it is beneficial to encourage focus on this topic and create a platform through the 2025 session to explore inclusive, culturally-informed and evidenced based solutions are being employed by Member States to achieve their goals, and in turn support the Sustainable Development Goals.

Work Programme

The Group of Experts has a robust work programme anchored in its Strategic Plan and Programme of Work 2021-2029. The following are some major topics to be addressed during the session: - place names supporting sustainable development, toponymic data management and gazetteers, romanization systems, diversity and inclusion, capacity building in toponymy and geographical names as cultural heritage.

Other Activities

Additional events consisting of working groups and divisional meetings, special workshops and an orientation session for new attendees will be held prior to and during the session. We are committed to keeping you, our national representatives, observers and special interest groups informed on the progress of session arrangements. Therefore, we encourage you to continue to monitor this website for updates and announcements.

Documents (general)

List of documents by agenda item
(click on agenda item in left column)


Please be informed that the technical reports submitted by regional entities and member states are not reviewed or edited by the Secretariat. These reports facilitate the technical discussion of the subject matters on the agenda and help clarify technical issues. The contents of the reports does not reflect the position of the United Nations Secretariat.

The designations employed and the presentation of material does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, city or area, or of its authorities, concerning the appellation of places, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

Agenda item 2. Organizational matters

  • Provisional Agenda
  • Agenda item 3. Reports of the Bureau and the Secretariat

    Agenda item 4(a). Reports: Divisions of the Group of Experts

    Agenda item 4(b). Reports: Governments on the situation in their countries and on the progress made in the standardization of geographical names

    Agenda item 4(c). Reports: Activities on the standardization of geographical names in Africa

    Agenda item 4(d). Reports: National and international meetings and conferences

    Agenda item 5(a). Technical expertise: Names collection, office treatment, features beyond a single sovereignty and international cooperation

    Agenda item 5(b). Technical expertise: Geographical names data management

    Agenda item 5(c). Technical expertise: Writing systems and pronunciation

    Agenda item 5(d). Technical expertise: Toponymic terminology

    Agenda item 5(e). Technical expertise: Country names

    Agenda item 6(a). Relationships, links and connections: Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management

    Agenda item 6(b). Relationships, links and connections: Economic Commission for Africa

    Agenda item 6(c). Relationships, links and connections: International organizations, including academia

    Agenda item 7(a). Effective work programmes: Measures taken and proposed for the implementation of resolutions and recommendations

    Agenda item 7(b). Effective work programmes: Evaluation of the work of the Group of Experts

    Agenda item 7(c). Effective work programmes: Social and economic benefits of supporting sustainable development

    Agenda item 7(d). Effective work programmes: Toponymic guidelines for international use by map and other editors

    Agenda item 8(a). Culture, heritage and language recognition: Geographical names as culture, heritage and identity

    Agenda item 8(b). Culture, heritage and language recognition: Indigenous, minority and regional languages and multilingual issues

    Agenda item 8(c). Culture, heritage and language recognition: Exonyms

    Agenda item 9(a). Promotion and capacity-building: Strengthening publicity and increasing awareness of the importance of standardized geographical names

    Agenda item 9(b). Promotion and capacity-building: Toponymic training and education

    Agenda item 9(c). Promotion and capacity-building: Funding of capacity-building initiatives

    Agenda item 10. Other geographical names issues.

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